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This Wiki collects information about the OpenSource CFD toolbox OpenFOAM and provides a platform for collaborations
Future events in the OpenFOAM-World (drag timeline - for a complete timeline go to AllEventsTimeline):
1 Refer
1.1 Other
Papers | FoamCFD theses | Solvers | Utilities | Tutorials | Examples | Handy links
2 The page of the hour
This page was selected randomly from 17 selected articles:
2.1 Contrib/swak4Foam
A library that combines the functionality of groovyBC and funkySetFields: it offers the user the possibility to specify expressions involving the fields and evaluates them. This library offers a number of utilities (for instance funkySetFields to set fields using expression), boundary conditions (groovyBC to specify arbitrary boundary conditions based on expressions) and function objects that allow doing many things that would otherwise require programming.
--Bgschaid 01:17, 14 September 2010 (CEST)
RSS with changes to the featured articles
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3 News
3.1 1st preCICE Workshop
Date: 2020/02/17 Location: Technical University of Munich, Germany
Join the 1st international preCICE Workshop at the Technical University of Munich, Germany on February 17-18, 2020 to learn how to couple OpenFOAM with other solvers and frameworks (including CalculiX, FEniCS, deal.II, and more) and discuss about partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction, Conjugate Heat Transfer, and more coupled problems with the international preCICE community.
Start of Event | 2020/02/17 |
End of Event | 2020/02/18 |
Location | Technical University of Munich, Germany |
URL | |
3.2 Events/15th International OpenFOAM Workshop
Date: 2020/06/22 Location: George Mason University, Virginia, USA
The Workshop Committee would like to invite you to the 15th International OpenFOAM® Workshop to be held at Arlington, Virginia, USA from June 22 - 25, 2020
Start of Event | 2020/06/22 |
End of Event | 2020/06/25 |
Location | George Mason University, Virginia, USA |
URL | |
3.3 PFAU 19 Austrian User Meeting
26 November, 2019 in Leoben, Austria
The OpenFOAM User Meeting v. 19 in Leoben is scheduled for Tuesday, November 26, 2019 (9.30 a.m. - 15.00 p.m.)
It will take place at this address:
Chair for Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes Department of Metallurgy Metallurgiegebäude 3.OG ISN Raum 313 University of Leoben Franz-Josef Strasse 18 8700 Leoben Austria
See full article for a map with directions
3.4 News/PFAU18 graz: July 3rd 2019 (Austrian User Meeting)
PFAU18 graz: July 3rd 2019 (Austrian User Meeting)
The OpenFOAM Austrian User Meeting "PFAU18_graz" is scheduled for Wednesday, July 3, 2019 (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
Date: 2019/07/03 Location: Institute of Process and Particle Engineering Graz University of Technology Inffeldgasse 13/HS i8
Abstract submission and registration is now closed. For the program, please follow this link: News/FEATool Multiphysics 1.8 with OpenFOAM MATLAB CFD GUI
FEATool Multiphysics 1.8 with OpenFOAM MATLAB GUI
The FEATool Multiphysics MATLAB and Octave FEM Simulation Toolbox version 1.8 is now available. In addition to being a fully integrated FEA multiphysics toolbox, and interfacing with the FEniCS FEM solver and external mesh generators such as DistMesh, GiD, Gmsh, and Triangle, the highlight of the new version is introducing a fully integrated and cross-platform OpenFOAM CFD GUI interface for MATLAB and GNU Octave.
The new OpenFOAM MATLAB CFD Toolbox interface allows one to conveniently setup both laminar and fully turbulent incompressible Navier-Stokes CFD problems all within an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI). Featuring built-in CAD tools and (STL) CAD file import, automatic mesh generation (with automatic 2D to 3D mesh conversion and extrusion for 2D problems), FEATool to OpenFOAM case file conversion, solver selection and control, as well as solution import with postprocessing and visualization. As with all the FEATool MATLAB GUI functionality, models can also be saved and exported as m-file CLI functions where custom scripting and support for all MATLAB and Octave functions and toolboxes is supported. With the added support for the popular OpenFOAM CFD solver and FEniCS, high-performance multiphysics, multi-simulation, and CFD modeling can now be all be conveniently done within a single software interface.
Please visit the FEATool Multiphysics MATLAB FEM Toolbox website for more information.
Date: 2018/05/17 Location: Hong Kong
FEATool Multiphysics is developed by Precise Simulation Ltd. which was established in 2013 and is dedicated to providing accurate, efficient, and easy to use software solutions to a wide range of mathematical modeling, multiphysics, and computer simulation needs. In close collaboration with academic high-performance computing (HPC) partners with significant knowledge and over a decade of experience in many physics based Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) fields such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM), chemical engineering, and heat transfer simulations Precise Simulation is able to offer a wide range of customized solutions.
The goal of the FEATool Multiphysics software suite is to be able to make physics based computer simulation easier and more enjoyable to learn for students in engineering, physics, and mathematics, and also simpler and more convenient to work with for both academic teachers, researchers, and corporate engineers.
If you want to add a news item go to this form
4 Events
5 Learn
5.1 Training
- Foundation and Advanced courses provided by OpenCFD and SGI.
- Essential and Applied courses provided by CFD Direct.
- Introductory and Advanced courses provided by Wikki and Gompute.
- User and Programming courses provided by Icon.
- Beginner, Advanced, Special Trainings on Turbomachinery, Thermosimulation, Programming and Optimization provided by FOAMacademy (move-csc and silentdynamics).
- OpenFOAM Quickstart Training (once a month and free of charge) by FOAMacademy
- University courses for Industry at Chalmers Professional Education.
- Beginner, Advanced online training [1] provided by CadCae.
- Summary of Training Material for and around OpenFOAM (including list of meshing tools, Paraview hints, etc., see category '3_EulerianModels') provided by the NanoSim consortium.
- Screencasts and training material provided by TU Graz.
- OpenFOAM course for beginners by Jibran Haider.
- Learn OpenFOAM Programming from Basics to Advance by Dr Pratyush Kumar. GitHub Link: OpenFOAM Tutorial
5.2 Tutorials
- Video tutorials on YouTube by József Nagy
- YouTube video tutorials by Divyesh Variya(DD Fluids)
- Wiki | Moving frame example | more
- Other | OS-CFD course
- OpenFOAM A Little User Manual by Gerhard Holzinger (links to OSCCAR-doc, an effort driven by PFM in Linz, Austria)
- OpenFOAM Basic Training by Institute of Chemical Engineering, TU Wien
- In case you want to record tutorials (i.e., screencasts), you can use the recordmydesktop software.
- [2] Unofficial tutorial for OpenFOAM programming basics with applications.
- OpenFOAM tutorials by spoken-Tutorial | Old series & New series.
5.3 Unofficial User Guides
- Interface Guide Reference guide for all terms in the OpenFOAM text files.
- Main OFSolvers Overview and description of each solver.
6 Use
- Wikipedia article | more
- Download | OpenFOAM on SLAX | On Windows
- Install
- FAQ (long version) | Known bugs
6.1 Tips and Tricks
6.2 Other Tools
6.3 Tools on this Wiki
7 Develop
7.1 General
- Coding style and conventions
7.2 OpenFoam-extend
- The Sourceforge OpenFOAM-extend project provides
- Sources for foam-extend a community driven distribution with additional features
- a subversion repository for collaborative development
- Installation notes
- How to contribute
7.3 Howto...
7.4 Forge
8 Community
9 Links
9.1 Wiki links
User pages | Local user groups | Special Interest Groups | Discuss this wiki | more
9.2 Active sites
OFWikiJa (Japanese) | Notes on CFD (Portuguese) | Holzmann-cfd (English/German) | DD Fluids (English) | CFD-FOSSEE (English)
9.3 Commercial Companies
10 Legal