Handy links
From OpenFOAMWiki
[hide]1 Link farm
This page contains handy links categorised and fairly densly populated for fast, repeated access to primary and secondary sources. The primary sources are often large downloadable tomes of higher quality/authority while the secondary sources tend to be predominately html pages related to or derived from the primary sources, but which might be better for getting the info you need quickly. The secondary links may duplicate each other to some extent, depending on user preferences.
2 Mathematics
- Secondary | Vector identities |
3 Publishing
- Primary | Latex symbols | Secondary | Latex symbols |
4 OpenFOAM courses
4.1 Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software
- Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, official page
- Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, 2017
- Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, 2016
- Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, 2015
- Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, 2014
- Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, 2013
- Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, 2012
- Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, 2011
- Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, 2010
- Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, 2009
- Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, 2008
- Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software, 2007
4.2 University of Genoa - Introductory OpenFOAM course-training
- 2016 Summer session - UNIGE Introductory OpenFOAM course-training with an overview to advanced meshing and validation and verification.
- 2015 Summer session - UNIGE Introductory OpenFOAM course-training with an overview to advanced meshing.
- 2015 Winter session - UNIGE Introductory OpenFOAM course-training with an overview to advanced meshing.
- 2014 Summer session - UNIGE Introductory OpenFOAM course-training with an overview to advanced meshing.
- 2014 Winter session - UNIGE Introductory OpenFOAM course-training with an overview to numerical optimization using Dakota.
- 2013 UNIGE Introductory OpenFOAM course
- 2012 UNIGE Introductory OpenFOAM course
4.3 Vienna University of Technology
- OpenFOAM related education at Vienna University of Technology
- "TUwards OpenFOAM" - PDF version of OpenFOAM Basic Training, 3rd edition
5 Material from the OpenFOAM-Workshops
Presentations and Training materials from the OpenFOAM-Workshops are available under these links (taken from these posts [1] [2] [3] on the MessageBoard):
- OFW1 - Zagreb 2006
- OFW2 - Zagreb 2007
- OFW3 - Milan 2008
- OFW4 - Montreal 2009
- OFW5 - Gothenburg 2010
- OFW6 - PennState 2011
- OFW7 - Darmstadt 2012
- OFW8 - Jeju 2013
- OFW9 - Zagreb 2014
- OFW10 - Ann Harbor 2015
- OFW11 - Guimarães 2016
- OFW12 - Exeter 2017
- OFW13 - Shanghai 2018
- Latest active workshop is usually stationed at openfoamworkshop.org