Main Courses
This page aims to compile a list of known courses on using OpenFOAM technology.
[hide]- 1 Paid
- 1.1 Training provided by OpenCFD
- 1.2 Training provided by CFD Direct
- 1.3 Training provided by Wikki
- 1.4 Summer School at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zagreb
- 1.5 Training provided by Sourceflux
- 1.6 CFD with OpenFOAM course provided by Technical Courses
- 1.7 Dr. Sachin Borse
- 1.8 IHFOAM at IH Cantabria
- 1.9 MOVE at the Centre for Scientific Computing
- 1.10 Chalmers Professional Education
- 1.11 Delft University of Technology
- 2 Paid with Free material
- 3 Free with Free material
1 Paid
1.1 Training provided by OpenCFD
These courses are delivered by the commercial side of one of the OpenFOAM development teams namely OpenCFD/ESI.
- Training page
- OpenFOAM® Training
- Language
- English.
- Locations
- Frequently scheduled around the world, although mostly in Europe, Americas and Australia.
- On-site courses on request
- Yes.
- Announcements
- Follow their Twitter: OpenFOAM @ Twitter
- See their announcements sub-forum: OpenFOAM Announcements from ESI-OpenCFD
1.2 Training provided by CFD Direct
These courses are delivered by another one of the OpenFOAM development teams, namely CFD Direct.
- Training page
- OpenFOAM® Training
- Language
- English.
- Locations
- Frequently scheduled around the world, although mostly in Europe, Americas and Australia.
- On-site courses on request
- Yes.
- Announcements
- Follow their Twitter: CFDDirect @ Twitter
1.3 Training provided by Wikki
Wikki - Consultancy and Software Development using foam-extend and OpenFOAM® - is the main company that created and develops for the foam-extend project.
- Training page
- Support & Training
- Language
- English.
- Locations
- Around the world.
- On-site courses on request
- Yes.
- Announcements
- They usually announce at the sub-forum OpenFOAM Announcements from Other Sources and are mostly connected to the OpenFOAM Workshops by the Extend Project development team.
1.4 Summer School at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zagreb
This particular summer school is named Numerical Modelling of Coupled Problems in Applied Physics with OpenFOAM (NUMAP-FOAM) and is taught at the University of Zagreb, in Croatia, specifically for graduate students and young researchers. This is only available to students with already considerable experience in OpenFOAM and/or foam-extend.
- Training page
- OpenFOAM Summer School 2015
- Note: Has links to the previous summer and winter schools.
- Language
- English.
- Location
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zagreb.
- On-site courses on request
- Not applicable.
- Announcements
- They usually announce at the sub-forum OpenFOAM Announcements from Other Sources and are mostly connected to the OpenFOAM Workshops by the Extend Project development team.
1.5 Training provided by Sourceflux
By the same team that provided the (unofficial) book The OpenFOAM Technology Primer.
- Training page
- Training delivered by Sourceflux
- Language
- English and German.
- Locations
- Mostly in Germany.
- On-site courses on request
- Unknown.
- Announcements
- Thread on the forum: sourceflux OpenFOAM® Training
1.6 CFD with OpenFOAM course provided by Technical Courses
Low cost online courses provided by a small team that is very familiar with OpenFOAM.
- Training pages
- CFD with OpenFOAM online course
- C++ applied to OpenFOAM online course
- Language
- English.
- Locations
- Online (anywhere in the world that has Internet connection).
- On-site courses on request
- Unknown.
- Announcements
- Thread on the forum: CFD with OpenFOAM course provided by Technical Courses
1.7 Dr. Sachin Borse
Freelancer living in India that can provide training anywhere around the world.
- Training page
- None available.
- Language
- English and possibly in a few of the Languages of India.
- Locations
- India and around the World.
- On-site courses on request
- Yes.
- Announcements
- Thread on the forum: OpenFOAM training at your location by Dr. Sachin Borse
1.8 IHFOAM at IH Cantabria
IHFOAM is a project and consultancy team part of the Environmental Hydraulics Institute IH Cantabria. The training is mostly around IHFOAM, but they also address other topics regarding OpenFOAM.
- Training page
- IHFOAM Training
- Language
- English and Spanish.
- Locations
- Spain and around the World.
- On-site courses on request
- Yes.
- Announcements
- They usually announce at the sub-forum OpenFOAM Announcements from Other Sources.
1.9 MOVE at the Centre for Scientific Computing
"move" at the Centre for Scientific Computing, located in Braunschweig. This company is the one that usually coordinates the user meetings in Northern Germany NOFUN: "Northern germany OpenFoam User meetiNg" (more details at Local_User_Groups_/_Local_User_Group_Germany).
- Training page
- Training page
- Language
- English and German.
- Locations
- Germany.
- On-site courses on request
- Unknown.
- Announcements
- They usually announce at the sub-forum OpenFOAM Announcements from Other Sources.
1.10 Chalmers Professional Education
Chalmers Professional Education is Chalmers University of Technology’s organization for specially tailored education of professionals in industry.
- Training page
- Training page
- Language
- English
- Locations
- Chalmers University of Technology
- On-site courses on request
- No
- Announcements
- A few times per year to an e-mail list, to which anyone can join (and leave whenever requested)
1.11 Delft University of Technology
Delft University of Technology delivers an introductory course titled Introduction to using OpenFOAM for CFD analysis, which is has a varying price, depending on the relationship the participant has got with the University.
- Training page
- Training page
- Language
- English
- Location
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science of Delft University of Technology, in Delft, Netherlands.
- On-site courses on request
- No
- Announcements
- Check training page or contact them for more information.
2 Paid with Free material
Technically, this is a list can refer to courses that also require payment, but unlike the ones in the previous list, these provide the resulting material for free. Some might not be listed directly here and might only be listed on this wiki page: OpenFOAM courses @ Handy links
2.1 OpenFOAM Workshops by the Extend Project development team
The (unofficial) OpenFOAM Workshops delivered by the foam-extend project. They organize conferences with training sessions, provided by several
- Training page
- Material from the OpenFOAM-Workshops (reference page here on this wiki)
- Language
- English.
- Locations
- Around the world.
- On-site courses on request
- Unknown.
- Announcements
- They usually announce at the sub-forum OpenFOAM Announcements from Other Sources.
3 Free with Free material
3.1 Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software
The course is open and free of charge to master students at Chalmers and PhD students enrolled anywhere. The resulting material is provided in the course's pages.
- Training page
- Håkan Nilsson's PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software (reference page here on this wiki)
- Language
- English.
- Location
- Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.
- On-site courses on request
- No
- Announcements
- To those who have shown interest each year