
From OpenFOAMWiki

1 Name

Lambda2 - Calculates and writes the second largest eigenvalue of the sum of the square of the symmetrical and anti-symmetrical parts of the velocity gradient tensor.

Valid versions: OF Version 21.png

2 Synopsis

Lambda2 [OPTIONS]

3 Description

Calculates and writes the second largest eigenvalue of the sum of the square of the symmetrical and anti-symmetrical parts of the velocity gradient tensor.


Exclude the 0 directory from the times list

-time RANGES

Select time steps. RANGES follows the time selection rules


Apply only on the latest time available


Include the constant directory in the times list


Run the utility in parallel

-roots "(DIR1 [...DIRN])"

Directories through which the data are distributed

-region NAME

Specify a mesh region by its NAME

-case DIR

Execute the command on the case directory DIR. If not provided, use the current directory


suppress creating flow models (execFlowFunctionObjects only)


Skip the execution of the functionObjects


Display the help and exit

The -noWrite option has no meaning.