From OpenFOAMWiki
[hide]1 Name
execFlowFunctionObjects - Executes the set of functionObjects specified in the selected dictionary (which defaults to system/controlDict) for the selected set of times.
2 Synopsis
execFlowFunctionObjects [OPTIONS]
3 Description
Quoting from OpenFOAM's source code [1]:
Executes the set of functionObjects specified in the selected dictionary (which defaults to system/controlDict) for the selected set of times. Alternative dictionaries should be placed in the system/ folder.The flow (p-U) and optionally turbulence fields are available for the function objects to operate on allowing forces and other related properties to be calculated in addition to cutting planes etc.
- Exclude the 0 directory from the times list
-time RANGES
- Select time steps. RANGES follows the time selection rules
- Apply only on the latest time available
- Include the constant directory in the times list
- Run the utility in parallel
-roots "(DIR1 [...DIRN])"
- Directories through which the data are distributed
-region NAME
- Specify a mesh region by its NAME
-dict FILE
- Read control dictionary from specified location. Note: but it will still use the main system/controlDict for the base runtime options, except the function objects.
-case DIR
- Execute the command on the case directory DIR. If not provided, use the current directory
- suppress creating flow models
- Skip the execution of the functionObjects - note: this pretty much ruins the usage of this application.
- Display the help and exit
4 Tips
- The -noFlow option means that it will load all known fields for each time instance and then run the function objects. But with this option, none of the turbulence models will be loaded.
- The following thread (at CFD-Online) explains how to add the ability to load more fields: execFlowFunctionObjects - unknown field problem
- The following thread (at CFD-Online) explains how to add the ability to add a _loop mode_ to execFlowFunctionObjects: execFlowFunctionObjects (post #4)
- A minimalistic variant of execFlowFunctionObjects for relying solely on function objects is available here: wyldckat@github:execFunctionObjects
- execFlowFunctionObjects can also be used with simpleFunctionObjects
- The following thread (at CFD-Online) explains how to get density-field for compressible flow (in post processing using execFlowFunctionObjects): How to get density-field for compressible flow?