1 YouTube tutorials
Hello everyone!
This is József Nagy here and welcome to my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjdgpuxuAxH9BqheyE82Vvw/featured).
Here you can find introductory videos on CFD with OpenFOAM. I will post them on the channel primarily for polymer engeneering students at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, for the introduction to CFD prior to the start of bachelor or master theses.
The videos contain auxiliary material to the introduction at the Institute of Polymer Injection Moulding and Process Automation (http://www.jku.at/ipim/content/e57040). The videos contain primarily hands on tutorials and only the most basic theory as there are tons and tons of material on the theory of CFD.
Students from other universities and other foamers are welcome to use the videos for their learning purposes. Don't forget to like, share, favorite and comment!
The following tutorials are available at the moment:
- How to run your first simulation in OpenFOAM®
- How to create a grid with blockMesh
- Understanding grid convergence
- Introduction to transport equations
- Introduction to discretization
- How to run your first OpenFOAM® case yourself
- Introduction to stationary turbulence modeling (RAS)
- Introduction to transient turbulence modeling (RAS,LES)
- Understanding multiphase modeling (VOF)
- How to run parallel simulations in OpenFOAM®
- How to install OpenFOAM®
- How to open OpenFOAM® results in ParaView
Upcoming tutorials are:
- level set method
- conjugate heat transfer
- meshing with snappyHexMesh
2 CFD basics
Introduction to CFD
This video contains introductory points for the video series 'CFD basics'.
How to run your first simulation in OpenFOAM® - Part 1:
This video shows, how to run and evaluate your first simulation in OpenFOAM®.
How to run your first simulation in OpenFOAM® - Part 2:
This video shows two additional simulations on how to improve the results.
How to create a grid with blockMesh:
In this video the creation of a grid with blockMesh is explained.
Understanding grid convergence - Part 1:
This video shows the importance of grid convergence.
Understanding grid convergence - Part 2:
In this video grid convergent results are compared.
Introduction to transport equations - Part 1:
In this video a parameter study is set up expaining phenomena in tranport equations.
Introduction to transport equations - Part 2:
In this video the paramter study is conducted and convection as well as diffusion are explained.
Introduction to discretization - Part 1:
In this video a paramter study is set up, which analyses different discretizations.
Introduction to discretization - Part 2:
In this video the paramter study is conducted and differences in discretizations are shown.
How to run your first OpenFOAM® case yourself - Part 1:
In this video the problem setting of the first simulation, run and evaluated on your own, is defined.
How to run your first OpenFOAM® case yourself - Part 2:
This video shows the solution of the first simulation, run and evaluated on your own.
3 CFD intermediate
Introduction to stationary turbulence modeling (RAS) - Part 1
This video gives a very short description of RAS turbulence modeling and the kEpsilon as well as the kOmega model.
Introduction to stationary turbulence modeling (RAS) - Part 2
In this video the case setup of a typical RAS simulation is carried out.
Introduction to stationary turbulence modeling (RAS) - Part 3
In this video three simulations are carried out with the kEpsilon, the kOmega and the LRR turbulence models.
Introduction to transient turbulence modeling (RAS,LES) - Part 1
This video explains shortly the difference between RAS and LES simulations as well as the case setup of a base case.
Introduction to transient turbulence modeling (RAS,LES) - Part 2
In this video three transient simulations are carried out (1x RAS, 2x LES).
Understanding multiphase modeling (VOF) - Part 1
This video gives a short description of the VOF model and shows the case setup of a typical simulation.
Understanding multiphase modeling (VOF) - Part 2
In this video two mutiphase simulations are carried out on thwo different grids.
How to run parallel simulations in OpenFOAM® - Part 1
This video gives a short description of parallelization in OpenFOAM® as well as of the possible decomposition methods.
How to run parallel simulations in OpenFOAM® - Part 2
In this video the difference between decomposition methods ist vizualized.
How to run parallel simulations in OpenFOAM® - Part 3
In this video a parallel simulation is run.
4 Quick tips
How to install OpenFOAM®
This video contains two alternative possibilities to install OpenFOAM®.
How to open OpenFOAM® results in ParaView
In this video you can find out different possibilities on how to visualize your OpenFOAM® results in ParaView.
Pitfalls? Help is on the way!
In this video I would like to draw your attention to this pdf by Gerhard Holzinger: