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I'm not very good with CSS. If somebody wants to improve the look of the Wiki by providing a CSS: send it to me and I'll have a look.
Emphasis should be on
- Clear readability (for instance dark backgrounds are problematic with formulas)
- Usage of the Bootstrap-conventions
- Compactness
Can the text colours be upped a bit on the black ink? I do agree that high contrast text is a pain for the eyes, but too little contrast is also bad :(
You mean something like
p { color: rgb(50,50,50); }
instead of the current
p { color: rgb(119,119,119); }
To try it out you can use the developer tools built into Firefox. In the "Style"-tab (sorry. My Firefox speaks German so I've got to guess the translation) on top of the list of the included style-sheets there is a "New". After pressing that there is a text-pane where one can add CSS (just copy/paste the above)
I like the idea behind the original CSS to keep the main text light because that way emphasis is more visible. But your opinion is valued. Is 50 enough? I'd still like the text to be lighter