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In the new site structure, as logged in editors, we're missing an important "Page Tool", namely: "What Links Here"
I'm asking for this feature, because it's a somewhat important tool when trying to figure out how readers can easily find a particular page or not ;)
I was wondering about the organization of the wiki. What about using namespaces for each OpenFOAM version? This would allow the creation of a sort of a subwiki for each version that could work, without relations with the other version pages, as a reference for that particular version.
This way it would be possible to have same-titled pages but for different namespaces, somehow freezing a common structure for them.
Don't know if you already discussed about that.
Actually we already have categories for each version, which allows cross-referencing other versions if needed, e.g.: Category:OpenFOAM_Version_3.0.x - each category page does act as a wiki page.
What I mean is that we already have a very hard-time maintaining the existing content. Creating dedicated namespaces for each version would only make sense up to a point, for example, for keeping documentation on how to go from version A to version B. And still, that should be stored inside something like what we have for OpenFOAM_guide.
That said, if you already have a set of wiki pages that can be used as an example of the structure you have in mind, it will likely make it easier to see what you mean.