I see it at the bottom (just above the privacy policy). Is that sufficient for your purposes? (it makes sense to me that the creator of the Skin moved it to the bottom: it is more for maintainers than for the general public. So the visibility doesn't have to be THAT high)
Oops, sorry about that. I vaguely remember seeing the links at the bottom of the page a few weeks ago, but today I completely forgot to look for them at the bottom of the page.
It does make sense that these are placed at the bottom. Many thanks for pointing it out!
I was wondering about the organization of the wiki. What about using namespaces for each OpenFOAM version? This would allow the creation of a sort of a subwiki for each version that could work, without relations with the other version pages, as a reference for that particular version.
This way it would be possible to have same-titled pages but for different namespaces, somehow freezing a common structure for them.