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I should have looked for the news page again :(

How about having a dummy point on the template for allowing a user-side chosen Javascript to be placed there automatically, which would change the CSS on the client's side only? The Javascript could be something like as follows, which is something I have as a compressed form as a bookmark:

function() {
    var newSS, styles = '* { background: #E9E9E9 ! important; color: #000000 !important } :link, :link * { color: #3333EE !important } :visited, :visited * { color: #551A8B !important }';
    if (document.createStyleSheet) {
        document.createStyleSheet("javascript:'" + styles + "'");
    } else {
        newSS = document.createElement('link');
        newSS.rel = 'stylesheet';
        newSS.href = 'data:text/css,' + escape(styles);

But I guess the template doesn't allow for this kind of hacking :(

Anyway, if and when I get annoyed with the colouring, I'll share a bookmark here for quickly changing only the text colours, since it's hard to please everyone ;)

Wyldckat (talk)16:28, 8 November 2014

I guess if the user wants this kind of hacking he will use something like the GreaseMonkey-extension anyway. That way he doesn't have to rely on the goodwill of the server administrator.

Bgschaid (talk)14:25, 11 November 2014