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I was wondering about the organization of the wiki. What about using namespaces for each OpenFOAM version? This would allow the creation of a sort of a subwiki for each version that could work, without relations with the other version pages, as a reference for that particular version.

This way it would be possible to have same-titled pages but for different namespaces, somehow freezing a common structure for them.

Don't know if you already discussed about that.


Tidusuper91 (talk)13:04, 14 November 2016

Actually we already have categories for each version, which allows cross-referencing other versions if needed, e.g.: Category:OpenFOAM_Version_3.0.x - each category page does act as a wiki page.

What I mean is that we already have a very hard-time maintaining the existing content. Creating dedicated namespaces for each version would only make sense up to a point, for example, for keeping documentation on how to go from version A to version B. And still, that should be stored inside something like what we have for OpenFOAM_guide.

That said, if you already have a set of wiki pages that can be used as an example of the structure you have in mind, it will likely make it easier to see what you mean.

Wyldckat (talk)13:16, 14 November 2016

Ok. I see your point. Don't have already examples to show. Maybe better to not add more overhead on this. I'll stick with this configuration and focus effort on improving the content.

Thanks in any case! :)

Tidusuper91 (talk)14:29, 16 November 2016