I tried the procedure described on the page. With v1.7.0, checkMesh produced:
. . . Failed 1 mesh checks. End
The mesh looked okay in paraFoam, but my app "blew up" . But I was successful with an axisymmetric simulation by retaining 8 vertices and simply setting two coordinates to be identical (thus shrinking down the area of the "axis" patch to zero). With that procedure, blockMesh followed by checkMesh shows "mesh OK" and my app ran okay. Thus, shrinking the axis face to zero in a 2-D cyclic case apparently produces an axisymmetric simulation without much effort. Bfiedler 18:49, 8 February 2011 (CET)
--Bgschaid 12:34, 29 January 2011 (CET): Have never built an axialSymmetric-Mesh with blockMesh myself so I can't comment on this. But of course it might be interesting which test failed
by Users:Nimasam: this procedure is examined with openFoam 1.6 and 1.6-x and it encounters error! in checkMesh look here: http://www.cfd-online.com/Forums/openfoam/84703-checkmesh.html
--Bgschaid 23:42, 22 February 2011 (CET) a) please don't top-post b) this kind of discussion is best held on the MessageBoard (not here)
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