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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
07:27, 19 April 2011 CavityCenterBlocked.png (file) 11 KB Makaveli lcf Solution for the driven cavity case with the central cell being excluded from the calculations. 1
07:37, 19 April 2011 Cavity.tar.gz (file) 2 KB Makaveli lcf Example case for the icoBlockedCellFoam solver. 1
07:38, 19 April 2011 IcoBlockedCellFoam.tar.gz (file) 3 KB Makaveli lcf Initial upload of the icoBlockedCellFoam solver. 1
22:08, 28 May 2011 IcoDyMFoam cavity3d.gif (file) 6.6 MB Makaveli lcf icoDyMFoam example calculation 1
22:29, 28 May 2011 Cavity3d.tar.gz (file) 236 KB Makaveli lcf Case for icoDyMFoam. 1
22:33, 28 May 2011 IcoDyMFoam.tar.gz (file) 2 KB Makaveli lcf IcoDyMFoam solver source code. 1
08:58, 29 May 2011 IcoDyMFoam norefine.gif (file) 8.07 MB Makaveli lcf Solution for cavity3d without refinement. 1
09:04, 23 October 2013 SMMP location.png (file) 127 KB Makaveli lcf   2
10:00, 14 November 2013 PFAU 7.0 Agenda 18112013.pdf (file) 95 KB Makaveli lcf Added a new talk to the afternoon session 2
08:20, 19 November 2014 PFAU 9 Vakhrushev Final.pdf (file) 2.27 MB Makaveli lcf Presentation at PFAU 9.0 Linz 1
10:16, 25 November 2015 PFAU v 11 Agenda.pdf (file) 275 KB Makaveli lcf   1
10:22, 25 November 2015 Plan PFAU 11.png (file) 412 KB Makaveli lcf   1
12:27, 5 December 2017 SR Eisen.jpg (file) 111 KB Makaveli lcf   1
15:58, 6 December 2017 PFAU 15 Agenda.pdf (file) 297 KB Makaveli lcf Added two talks 3
17:43, 25 November 2019 Plan PFAU 19.png (file) 468 KB Makaveli lcf   1
08:40, 27 November 2019 PFAU v 19 Agenda.pdf (file) 197 KB Makaveli lcf Participants affiliations corrected. 2