HowTo Post-process results for particle based methods
This page is out-sourced from the Special Interest Group on Multiphase Flows (Sig Multiphase).
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[hide]- 1 Introductory tutorials
- 2 Post processing
- 3 Tutorials from "PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software" at Chalmers University of Technology
- 4 Tutorial: Particles with pyFoam
- 5 Tutorial: HowTo addSpraySubmodels
- 6 Particle based solvers and test cases in OpenFOAM®
- 7 References
- 8 Groups on extend-project
1 Introductory tutorials
There are two solvers including tutorial available for beginners:
2 Post processing
2.1 foamToVTK
For post processing particles using ParaView, please refer to: Postprocessing of Lagrangian particles
2.2 particleTracks
For particle tracking in ParaView the utility particleTracks can be used. Copy the particleTracksProperties dictionary into the <CASE>/constant directory:
cp $FOAM_UTILITIES/postProcessing/lagrangian/particleTracks/particleTracksProperties <CASE>/constant/
Then execute the utility in the case directory:
and visualize the particleTracks opening them in ParaView.
3 Tutorials from "PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software" at Chalmers University of Technology
- Anton Persson (2010) - Description and implementation of particle injection in OpenFOAM: Report - Presentation - Files
- Josef Runsten (2010) - Droplet collisions in dieselSpray and implementations of collisions in solidParticle: Report - Presentation - Files
- Aurelia Vallier (2009) - Tutorial icoLagrangianFoam / solidParticle: Report - Presentation - Files
- Jelena Andric (2009) - Lagrangian particle tracking of spheres and cylinders: Report - Presentation - Files
- Erik Larsson (2008) - Lagrangian particle interaction: Report
4 Tutorial: Particles with pyFoam
Tutorial on Particles with pyFoam - The air classification test case, which is complementary to the "Automatization with pyFoam" presentation from the 5th Workshop in Gothenburg 2010:
5 Tutorial: HowTo addSpraySubmodels
Find a step-by-step instruction of how to add your own breakup model for the Lagrangian spray in OpenFOAM 2.y.x here.
6 Particle based solvers and test cases in OpenFOAM®
6.1 Particle solver
- icoLagrangianFoam - test cases: cavity, box
- solidParticleFoam - test cases: bos, solidParticleDamBreak
- coalChemistryFoam - test case: simplifiedSiwek
- porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam - test case: filter
- reactingParcelFoam - test case: evaporationTest
- uncoupledKinematicParcelFoam
- rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam - test case: simplifiedSiwek
6.2 Particle based combustion solvers
- dieselFoam - test case: aachenBomb
- dieselEngineFoam
6.3 Discrete solvers
- mdEquilibriumFoam - test cases: peridicCubeArgon, periodicCubeWater
- mdFoam - test case: nanoNozzle
- dsmcFoam - test cases: freeSpacePeriodic, freeSpaceStream, supersonicCorner, wedge15Ma5
7 References
- Particle tracking algorithm in OpenFOAM®:
- Particle tracking in unstructured, arbitrary polyhedral meshes for CFD and molecular dynamics, G.B. Macpherson, N. Nordin and H.G. Weller, Communications In Numerical Methods In Engineering (2008).
- Complex Chemistry Modeling of Diesel Spray Combustion, N. Nordin, PhD thesis, Chalmers University of Technology (2001).
8 Groups on extend-project
- Special Interest Group: CFD-DEM coupling
-- by A. Mahrla, 14 July 2011