Template talk:Frontpage Links

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
How the list of companies is sorted208:35, 21 April 2015

How the list of companies is sorted


Greetings to all!

For the most of the history of this list of companies, the list has been mostly populated by the order of arrival to said list. Therefore, I'd rather keep a record as to why I've moved a few minutes ago the link for CFD.Direct up to the top of the list of the companies. The main reason is due to what's written on this page: http://cfd.direct/openfoam/

CFD Direct was founded by people who share a belief in open source software and have a mission to make CFD accessible and inclusive. Through our management and development of OpenFOAM, we are producing software that:

  • allows access to the implementation of scientific knowledge;
  • allows access for those who could not otherwise afford it;
  • encourages collaboration and advancement;
  • covers as many CFD applications as possible.

In addition, as it's stated here: http://www.openfoam.org/

The OpenFOAM® Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation, founded in 2011, that manages the development of OpenFOAM and distribution to the public under the GPL. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors including Henry Weller (creator and architect of OpenFOAM) and Chris Greenshields, CFD Direct, and Cristel de Rouvray, ESI Group.

If there is anyone opposing to this, please reply to this discussion thread. Because if this is not acceptable, then I suggest that the list is sorted alphabetically and also possibly including by country, and/or by the date of creation of said company.

Best regards,

Wyldckat (talk)20:02, 20 April 2015

Please keep it in the order that companies were added to the list. Because if we start editing people up or down according to "this company is more important than this one" it will end in either editing wars or bad blood (as this will always be subjective). The "first come, first serve" rule is clear and transparent.

PLUS: as far as I understand it the OF-foundation and cfd-direct arte not the same thing just because the same people work for it (to give an example from the Python-world: just because Guido van Rossum works for Dropbox does not mean that Dropbox and the Python Foundation are the same thing and that I have to reference Dropbox every time I speak of Python). This section is for commercial companies and I want them all treated equally. You want a link to the OF-foundation we can put that elsewhere

Only exception in this is if OpenCFD wants to give up its top place for cfd-direct. But that is not our decision (unless you're an employee of one of those companies)

Bgschaid (talk)00:34, 21 April 2015

Understood and agree! I've rolled-back the edit.

Wyldckat (talk)08:35, 21 April 2015