File list
From OpenFOAMWiki
This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | User | Description | Versions |
01:41, 12 October 2023 | PotentialWaveFoam.tar.gz (file) | 179 KB | 7islands | A one-line solver that solves a wave equation, fvm::d2dt2(phi) == c * c *fvc::laplacian(phi) | 1 | |
08:48, 27 November 2010 | CaseB-20101127.tar.gz (file) | 25 KB | 7islands | Reproduction of benchmark test case B formulated in AIJ guidelines for practical applications of CFD to pedestrian wind environment around buildings. Added legal stuff. | 1 | |
14:09, 9 November 2010 | CaseB-20101109.tar.gz (file) | 18 KB | 7islands | Benchmark test case B formulated in Guidebook for Practical Applications of CFD to Pedestrian Wind Environment around Buildings. | 1 | |
09:41, 18 February 2009 | ReverberationRoom.png (file) | 134 KB | 7islands | Propagation of acoustic pulse in a room, visualized with VisIt 1.7. | 1 | |
03:58, 31 August 2008 | VtkPOpenFOAMReader-20080831.tar.gz (file) | 73 KB | 7islands | Parallelized native OpenFOAM reader for ParaView, development snapshot, 20080831 | 1 | |
13:34, 18 November 2007 | ProbeToAudio-20071115.tar.gz (file) | 5 KB | 7islands | a simple auralization utility | 1 | |
00:27, 6 September 2007 | PhysicalGroups.png (file) | 27 KB | 7islands | Selecting part of mesh that corresponds to each patch/processor boundary/decomposed volume | 1 | |
00:26, 6 September 2007 | VisibilityPanel.png (file) | 26 KB | 7islands | Selecting mesh partitions that corresponds to their assigned processor numbers | 1 | |
00:25, 6 September 2007 | VisibilityMenu.png (file) | 32 KB | 7islands | Selecting Visibility menu item to show up visibility panel | 1 | |
13:11, 5 September 2007 | GmshFoam-20070905.tar.gz (file) | 64 KB | 7islands | The gmshFoam package. | 1 | |
07:21, 2 August 2007 | GmshFoam-20070802.tar.gz (file) | 61 KB | 7islands | gmshFoam: an OpenFOAM-ready modification to Gmsh. | 1 | |
00:47, 16 May 2007 | GmshFoam-20070513.tar.gz (file) | 55 KB | 7islands | The gmshFoam package | 1 | |
00:23, 27 April 2007 | GmshFoamStructure.png (file) | 10 KB | 7islands | gmshFoam internal structure | 1 | |
09:41, 12 April 2007 | FileDialogs.png (file) | 8 KB | 7islands | Format selections in file dialogs | 1 | |
08:53, 12 April 2007 | MonitorDialogs.png (file) | 29 KB | 7islands | Launching gmshFoamMonitor. | 1 | |
08:48, 12 April 2007 | PitzDaily.jpg (file) | 83 KB | 7islands | On-the-fly visualization of the tutorials/oodles/pitzDaily case by gmshFoam. | 1 | |
09:11, 11 April 2007 | GmshFoam-20070411.tar.gz (file) | 51 KB | 7islands | A conceptual implementation of a total Gmsh pre/mid/post-processing environment for OpenFOAM. | 1 | |
07:30, 12 March 2007 | Gmsh2ToFoam-20070312.tar.gz (file) | 12 KB | 7islands | gmshToFoam with .msh file version 2.0 support and other features | 1 | |
13:15, 5 March 2007 | Gmsh2ToFoam-20070305.tar.gz (file) | 8 KB | 7islands | gmshToFoam with .msh version 2.0 format support | 1 | |
06:10, 19 February 2007 | Gmsh2ToFoam-20070219.tar.gz (file) | 7 KB | 7islands | gmshToFoam with physical patch/cellZone/faceZone names on .msh file format version 2 support | 1 | |
02:27, 18 February 2007 | Gmsh2ToFoam-20070218.tar.gz (file) | 7 KB | 7islands | gmshToFoam with .msh file format version 2 support (fixed patch/cellZone numbering problem). | 1 | |
02:25, 17 February 2007 | Gmsh2ToFoam-20070217.tar.gz (file) | 6 KB | 7islands | gmshToFoam with .msh file format version 2.0 support. | 1 | |
12:18, 16 February 2007 | Gmsh2ToFoam-20070216.tar.gz (file) | 6 KB | 7islands | gmshToFoam with support to .msh file format version 2.0. | 1 | |
00:18, 12 January 2007 | FunkySetFields-generatedSources.diff.gz (file) | 33 KB | 7islands | The diff file with bison-generated (by bison-2.1) sources and patches to compile funkySetFields under OpenFOAM-1.3 and without bison 2.1 | 1 | |
05:01, 11 January 2007 | FunkySetFields-generatedSources.tar.gz (file) | 31 KB | 7islands | Bison-generated sources and a modified Make/options file to compile funkySetFields under OpenFOAM-1.3 and without bison 2.1. | 1 |