Here you can add links to suitable turbulence validation cases for OpenFOAM. You can also add links to full OpenFOAM cases.
[hide]1 Validation cases
1.1 Channel FLow
- A good description of the case is on [1]; in addition to results of the mentioned DNS databases, there are results of Code Saturne calculations using quite interesting RANS models.
- This thest case correspond at the channelOodles tutorial (with a shorter geometry). Details of this geometry and comparaison of parameters such as mesh, turbulence model can be found in Eugene De Villier Ph'D ( and then Students and Ph'D thesis )
- Notice that the postChannel tool give directly mean and statistics of the geometry.
Related threads on the forum
- One thread with lot's of model comparison : LES of turbulent channel flows
- Other results and some tips : Error in channelOodles tutorial
- A periodic pipe flow, it's not the same geometry but there are some interesting things : LES turbulent pipe flow
1.2 Ercoftac SIG 15 Test Cases
- 2D Wall Jet
- 2D Diffuser
- Mixed convection incl. radiation
- Cylinder: Natural convection
- Cheesewright's 5:1 cavity
- Infinit channel Mixed convection
1.4 Full OpenFOAM validation test cases
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