SigW OF6 Schedule
The first Wind Energy SIG group meeting is taking place on June 16, 2011 at the 6th OpenFOAM workshop. The SIGs are meeting in 116 EES (Earth-Engineering Sciences) on the PSU campus.
The point of the SIG meetings are to introduce ourselves to on another, share how we use OpenFOAM and share the difficulties we are currently working through. If you are interested in putting together a short presentation (<10 min), please contact one of the session leaders.
Here is a list of the presentations that we currently have lined up and their respective topics.
1 Session 1 (8:30 - 10:00 am): Atmospheric Boundary Layers
1.1 Opening Remarks
Adam Lavely, PSU
- Creation of the Wind Energy SIG
- Brief Overview of Session
1.2 Dr. Matthew Churchfield
U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory: National Wind Technology Center
- Actuator lines in LES
- Wind farm modeling
1.3 Ganesh Vijayakumar
The Pennsylvania State University
- Accurate Law-of-the-Wall modelling in LES
- Channel flow
1.4 Jonathon Sumner
- Boundary Conditions
1.5 Dr. Robert Benoit
École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS): Montreal, Canada
- 3D Channel LES
- Neutral stratification with coriolis and large-scale pressure force
1.6 Frank Zajaczkowski
The Applied Research Laboratory at Pennsylvania State
- WRF - CFD coupling
2 Session 2 (10:30 am - 12:00 noon): Wind Turbine Aerodynamics
2.1 Rehash of Opening Remarks
- New SIG
- Overview of Session
2.2 Adam Lavely
The Pennsylvania State University
- Transition modelling
- Rotating blades
2.3 Shreyas Ananthan
Vestas Technology R&D
- How Vestas Global Research Team wants to use OpenFOAM
- Features Vestas is interested in
2.4 Ivan Herraez
ForWind - Oldenburg
- Validation test cases
- Resolution in the wake