[hide]1 Name
PDRMesh - Mesh and field preparation utility for PDR (porosity/distributed resistance) type simulations.
2 Synopsis
3 Description
Mesh and field preparation utility for PDR (porosity/distributed resistance) type simulations.
- cellSet giving blockedCells
- faceSets giving blockedFaces and the patch they should go into
NOTE: To avoid exposing wrong fields values faceSets should include faces contained in the blockedCells cellset.
- coupledFaces reads coupledFacesSet to introduces mixe-coupled baffles
Subsets out the blocked cells and splits the blockedFaces and updates fields.
The face splitting is done by duplicating the faces. No duplication of points for now (so checkMesh will show a lot of 'duplicate face' messages)
The parameters must be specified in system/PDRMeshDict. The example shipped with the source code (in $FOAM_UTILITIES/mesh/advanced/PDRMesh/PDRMeshDict) is reproduced below.
- Overwrite the existing mesh files
- Run the utility in parallel
-roots "(DIR1 [...DIRN])"
- Directories through which the data are distributed
-case DIR
- Execute the command on the case directory DIR. If not provided, use the current directory
- Skip the execution of the functionObjects
- Display the help and exit
This utility is used in the following tutorials:
- combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles
4 PDFMeshDict description
FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; object PDRMeshDict; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // //- Per faceSet the patch the faces should go into blocked baffles blockedFaces ((blockedFacesSet blockedFaces)); //- Per faceSet the patch the faces should go into coupled baffles coupledFaces { coupledFacesSet { wallPatchName baffleWall; cyclicMasterPatchName baffleCyclic_half0; } } //- Name of cellSet that holds the cells to fully remove blockedCells blockedCellsSet; //- All exposed faces that are not specified in blockedFaces go into // this patch defaultPatch outer; // ************************************************************************* //