OpenFOAM guide/Matrix coefficients
The matrix coefficients are coefficients that result from the discretization process. They are closely related to the discretization coefficients. OpenFOAM uses matrix coefficients in its source code.
1 Definition
The matrix coefficients have the form:
- A are the matrix coefficients;
- is the matrix vector of variables being solved for; and
- i and j are cell indices.
2 Coefficient matrix
The coefficient matrix is:
- an N x N square matrix, where N is the number of cells in the mesh;
- sparse; and
- diagonally dominant.
For example, given a simple 3 x 3 orthogonal mesh (in 2-dimensions):
-1- | -2- | -3- |
-6- | -5- | -4- |
-7- | -8- | -9- |
The coefficient matrix might look like:
i | -1- | -2- | -3- | -4- | -5- | -6- | -7- | -8- | -9- |
-1- | X | N | N | ||||||
-2- | O | X | N | N | |||||
-3- | O | X | N | ||||||
-4- | O | X | N | N | |||||
-5- | O | O | X | N | N | ||||
-6- | O | O | X | N | |||||
-7- | O | X | N | ||||||
-8- | O | O | X | N | |||||
-9- | O | O | X |
- X indicates diagonal cells; and
- O and N indicate non-zero off-diagonal cells.
Since the matrix is sparse, only the non-zero entries need to be stored, something that is achieved by lduAddressing used by the matrices in OpenFOAM. lduAddressing works by recognizing that:
- Every cell has a diagonal coefficient; and
- Every cell has off-diagonal coefficients for each of their neighbours.
Therefore the diagonal coefficients are stored in an N-long vector array, where N is the number of cells. The number of off-diagonal coefficients is equal to the number of cell-pairs that directly influence one another in the linearized equations. At the matrix level in OpenFOAM, this only includes adjacent cells. Therefore the number of off-diagonal coefficients is equal to the number of shared faces in the mesh.
2.1 Storage in OpenFOAM
OpenFOAM stores:
- diagonal coefficients as a scalar field, indexed by cell volume; and
- off-diagonal coefficients as two scalar fields, indexed by face centres.
lduAddressing is used to related the two indexing methods.
3 Relationship with discretization coefficients
Every matrix coefficient has a corresponding discretization coefficient. They are related according to:
That is, the off-diagonal matrix coefficients are opposite in sign to their corresponding discretization coefficient; whereas the diagonal has the same sign as its corresponding discretization coefficient.