Main CodeStructure
From OpenFOAMWiki
On this page you can comment on the subdirectories of the OpenFOAM-x.x/src-directory. What can be found in which directory etc.
[hide]- 1 cfdTools
- 2 dynamicMesh
- 3 edgeMesh
- 4 engine
- 5 errorEstimation
- 6 finiteArea
- 7 finiteElement
- 8 foamUser
- 9 foamUtil
- 10 Gstream
- 11 lagrangian
- 12 lam-7.1.1/lam-7.1.2
- 13 LESmodels
- 14 malloc
- 15 meshTools
- 16 mico-2.3.11
- 17 ODE
- 18 OpenFOAM
- 19 postProcessing
- 20 Pstream
- 21 randomProcesses
- 22 sampling
- 23 thermophysicalModels
- 24 transportModels
- 25 triSurface
- 26 turbulenceModels
- 27 zlib-1.2.1