[hide]- 1 ANNOUNCEMENT of the 4th Mid-Atlantic/Mid-West USA & Canada OpenFOAM Users Group Meeting (Pittsburgh, PA, Oct 20, 2012)
- 2 ANNOUNCEMENT of Mid-Atlantic OpenFOAM Users Group
- 3 ANNOUNCEMENT of Mid-Atlantic OpenFOAM Users Group at Penn State
- 4 ANNOUNCEMENT of Mid-Atlantic OpenFOAM Users Group at Penn State
1 ANNOUNCEMENT of the 4th Mid-Atlantic/Mid-West USA & Canada OpenFOAM Users Group Meeting (Pittsburgh, PA, Oct 20, 2012)
Dear Foamers in the Mid-Atlantic/Mid-West USA & Canada,
The 4th Mid-Atlantic/Mid-West USA & Canada OpenFOAM Users Group Meeting will be held at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh on Saturday, October 20, 2012. Please mark your calendars, and send an email to Anirban Jana ( if you plan to attend.
Following the great successes of the three prior meetings held respectively at Penn State University, University of Michigan and Ohio State University, we plan to maintain a similar format consisting of technical presentations in the morning, followed by birds-of-a-feather (BOF) sessions and tutorials in the afternoon. Please feel free to send me presentation/BOF/tutorial suggestions for this meeting. As further details of the meeting plans are finalized, they will be posted on the CFD-Online OpenFOAM forum, and/or the OpenFOAM Wiki, and/or the Extend Portal.
A new idea this year is to post an updated list of attendees from time to time, so that others can see who are attending, which may pique their interest and encourage them to attend too. Please let know in your RSVP email though if you DO NOT want to have your name appear in the list of attendees.
There will be no registration fee to attend. Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided to attendees. The attendees will be responsible for covering the cost of travel/lodging. Directions and some lodging information will be provided in a future update.
Support for the meeting from the NSF XSEDE's Education and Outreach program is gratefully acknowledged. XSEDE is the national cyberinfrastructure for non-classified research funded by the National Science Foundation.
Best regards
Anirban Jana
2 ANNOUNCEMENT of Mid-Atlantic OpenFOAM Users Group
Dear Foamers in the Mid-Atlantic/Midwest USA (PA/NY/MD/VA/WV/OH/NJ/DE/...)
The second Users Group Meeting (Stammtisch) for the Mid-Atlantic/Midwest region of the US will be held at the University of Michigan on Saturday, October 23, 2010.
Following the great success of the first meeting, the format will be very similar with technical presentations in the morning and birds-of-a-feather sessions in the afternoon.
Please send an email to Kevin Maki ( if you are interested in attending. Also, please let me know if you have any suggestions to make the meeting work best for the community. In addition, I am posting this announcement to the forum and the extend-project portal. I will suggest that the portal be used for public comments and interaction:
2. Portal:
Kevin Maki
3 ANNOUNCEMENT of Mid-Atlantic OpenFOAM Users Group at Penn State
The plans for the Users Group Meeting are coming together, and we have a big group (~75 people) coming to Penn State. While all of the slots for technical presentations are full, it is not too late sign up.
1st Mid-Atlantic OpenFOAM Users Group Meeting
Saturday, March 27, 2010 113 IST Building, Cybertorium Penn State University, State College, PA
- 8:00 - 8:30 Coffee and donuts
- 8:30 - 12:15 Technical presentations
- 12:15 - 1:15 Lunch
- 1:15 - 2:30 BoF Sessions
- 1:15 - 4:45 Tutorials
The agenda and a campus map can be obtained from:
Through support from CEI (makes of Ensight visualization software), all participants will be entered into a drawing for an APPLE IPAD.
We look forward to kicking off the Mid-Atlantic OpenFOAM Users Group, and to seeing everyone in State College.
Eric Paterson
4 ANNOUNCEMENT of Mid-Atlantic OpenFOAM Users Group at Penn State
Dear Foamers in the Mid-Atlantic USA (PA/NY/MD/VA/WV/OH/NJ/DE/...)
The First Mid-Atlantic OpenFOAM Users Group will be held on the Penn State University Park campus on SATURDAY, March 27, 2010. Mark your calendars, and send an email to Eric Paterson ( if you would like to be added to the list of participants, or if you have suggestions for topics of discussion. As the meeting plans evolve, details will be published on the OpenFOAM WIKI and the OpenFOAM Message Board.
Support for the meeting from the Penn State Institute of Cyber Science is gratefully acknowledged.
This User Group Meeting is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, the producer of the OpenFOAM software and owner of the OPENFOAM® and OpenCFD® trade marks.