From OpenFOAMWiki
- commonRailInjector
- definedInjector
- multiHoleInjector
- swirlInjector
- unitInjector
The main difference between the different injector types is how the velocity is calculated. The velocity can either depend on the pressure inside the domain, or be completely pressure independent.
- commonRailInjector
- Velocity is calculated from the injectionPressureProfile according to
- where
is the average pressure in the computational domain and
- updated at each injection.
- definedInjector
- The velocity is given in the velocityProfile.
- multiHoleInjector
- Velocity is calculated the same way as for the unitInjector.
- swirlInjector
- Identical to commonRailInjector.
- unitInjector
- Velocity is calculated from the massFlowRate profile according to the formula
- where A is the injector-orifice area.
- The injection pressure (written at the start) is never used but serves as valuable information.
- It is calculated according to