One way to calculate the pressure difference between two patches is by calculating the difference between the averages weighted by the face-sizes on the other patch to the current patch:
pressureDrop { type patchExpression; variables ( "pOut{patch'outlet}=sum(p*area())/sum(area());"); accumulations ( min max ); patches ( inlet ); expression "p-pOut"; verbose true; }
Another possibility would be to compare the difference of the averages:
pressureDrop { type patchExpression; variables ( "pOut{patch'outlet}=sum(p*area())/sum(area());" "inArea=sum(area());" ); accumulations ( sum ); patches ( inlet ); expression "area()*(p-pOut)/inArea"; verbose true; }
Pressure-drops to other entities can be calculated similarily:
pressureOverFilter { type swakExpression; valueType faceZone; zoneName beforeFilter; variables ( "pAfter{faceSet'afterFilter}=average(p);" ); accumulations ( average ); expression "p-pAfter"; verbose true; autoInterpolate true; warnAutoInterpolate false; }
Note: how you define "pressure difference" (face weighted, arithmetic average, min/max ...) is up to you