
From OpenFOAMWiki



  • ODE
  • EulerImplicit
  • sequential

  • ODE
Use a stiff Ordinary Differential Equations solver to solve the chemistry.
  • EulerImplicit
Equations will be linearized and the equation system solved implictly, or semi-implict really since the equations are non-linear. If the reaction rate is
\dot \omega = k_f c_1 c_2 - k_b c_3 c_4, we re-write it as
\dot \omega = P_f c_f - P_b c_b, P_f = k_f \max(c_1,c_2), c_f = \min(c_1,c_2), P_b = k_b \max(c_3, c_4), c_b = \min(c_3, c_4)
Solving the system \frac{dc}{dt} = S_c \dot \omega, S_c is the stoichiometric coefficient matrix.
We construct the maxtrix-vector system A^n c^{n+1} = c^n
from \frac{c^{n+1}-c^n}{\delta t} = S_c \dot \omega^{n+1}
The reaction rate is evaluate semi-implicit as
\dot \omega^{n+1} = P_f^n c_f^{n+1} - P_b^n c_b^{n+1}
  • sequential
Do not use this. This was implemented to compare with how KIVA calculate the chemistry.